
The Sustainable Recruitment Alliance Podcast

Through our own podcast series and as guests on others, we chat to industry professionals and key stakeholders to explore the importance of sustainability in recruitment, propose tangible strategies for improvement, and suggest how everyone can play a role in the sustainability conversation.

Check out our episodes below!

Episode 1 – Gen Z Takeover

Join us as our founder talks to interns and members of our Student Advisory Board (Natasha Godsiff, Joshua Rutt, Howard Blackbee) to discuss how they fulfilled their passion for sustainability within their lives and their first professional roles.


Episode 2 – Earth BAE: Reimagining Eco-Friendly Brand Ambassadors with RMP Enterprise 

Join host Laura Yeates as she welcomes Ollie Sidwell of RMP Enterprise and Leora Shlasko of the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance to discuss how they are rethinking traditional recruitment methods, reducing carbon emissions, and instilling a culture of sustainability in new areas.




ProGRESS – Leora Shlasko, Laura Yeates and the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance

ProGRESS is the new podcast that brings you careers inspiration direct from people working and teaching in Green, Ethical, Sustainable and Socially Responsible sectors (the GRESS of ProGRESS). Every episode features a guest talking to podcast host and long-time journalist Sandra Kessell about the job they are doing now and the path that got them into it. They offer real-world insights into following in their footsteps while detailing their work and life experiences – all with an encouraging outlook. Whatever your career plans, whatever your age, there are good green, ethical, sustainable and socially responsible stories to be heard here.

Laura Yeates has changed the face of recruitment for early careers not just in the legal world, but across the city and really shone a spotlight on unconscious bias and untapped talent. During lockdown Laura founded the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance (SRA), which is driving eco-friendly change to early recruitment by encouraging early career recruiters to decrease their emissions.

Leora Shlasko is the newest team member at the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance and is its Sustainability Impact Advisor. After studying at Vassar College in New York, Leora completed a masters in environmental governance at the University of Oxford, where, among other studies, she researched the social impact of environmental policies on Bluefin Tuna in Mediterranean and Japan.


The Early Careers Podcast – The Green Shift in Recruitment 

On this episode of the Early Careers Podcast, Jack & Ollie share their experiences and insights on the importance of sustainability and diversity in early careers recruitment with Laura Yeates, founder of the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance, and Clare Johnson, an Early Talent Specialist at Accenture, and a special appearance by Matthew Payne, Co-Chair of the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance’s Student Advisory Board. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of recruitment.

The Early Careers Podcast – Sustainability in Early Careers 

Laura Yeates, founder of the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance, joined the Early Careers Podcast to discuss the Alliance, what signatories are agreeing to, what the commitment looks like, and how other firms can join the movement.

Ready to sign the pledge?

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